Jeanmarie Kalonji

From an early age, Jeanmarie Kalonji has been concerned with the suffering of his fellow compatriots. He entered into activism through the “Ambitious Youth Group”, an organization he created to awaken the consciousness of pupils about their civic responsibility at school.  

In 2011, Jean-Marie led a youth NGO called Alliance pour l’Universalité des Droits Fondamentaux to educate the masses and popularize the laws of the land. During this same period, he founded Quatrième Voie so that Congolese and other African youth could rally together. From 2014 to 2016, Jean-Marie’s mobilising capacity earned him the title of “Youth National Coordinator” in the Canaan Missionary Church. 

In 2015, while former President of the Republic Joseph Kabila was

holding on to power beyond his constitutional mandate, Jean-Marie intensified his community mobilization to resist the installation of another dictatorship in the Congo. Jean-Marie’s activism around this national question caught the attention of the Kabila regime.

In an effort to further expand his reach and impact, Jean-Marie launched “It is time/DRC’’ to invite Congolese people to stand up against the continuation of the Kabila regime. Squarely in the crosshairs of Kabila’s intelligence services, Jean-Marie was disappeared by Kabila’s security forces on two occasions, tortured and brutalized, and released after national and international demands were made for his liberation. Jean-Marie is the founding director of the Andree Blouin Pan African Center which trains Congolese youth in Pan-Africanism, civic responsibility, and grassroots organizing and mobilization. He has presided over the training of nearly 500 youth. 



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  Eldaa Ragnimwendé Koama Elle a le goût de la sueur. Oratrice talentueuse, maître de cérémonie incontournable, coach et formatrice, Ragnimwendé Eldaa Koama est l’une de ces jeunes filles qui forcent l’admiration et le respect de par leur talent. Au Burkina comme à l’international, elle a remporté plusieurs prix en art oratoire. Celle-là qui manie avec aisance le français et l’anglais a eu un baccalauréat série C. Elle est titulaire d’un master en management des systèmes informatiques et une licence en ingénierie des travaux informatiques et avec un bref parcours en fac de médecine (trois ans). Grâce à ses expériences, elle est aujourd’hui promotrice d’une entreprise évènementielle, Improv’you. C’est avec son éternel sourire qu’elle nous a accueillis dans sa jeune entreprise, Improv’you, à Tanghin, dans le quatrième arrondissement de Ouagadougou. La parole, c’est son ‘’dada’’. Tout a commencé pour elle à l’âge de neuf ans quand elle a dû prendre la parole devant un public à l’occasion

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